We are looking forward to hosting a symposium in Namur, Belgium on December 1 2023
as part of the ongoing
Centuries of Silence Exhibition.
Attendance is free but please
Schedule and Program
Welcome and Introduction to the Salzinnes Antiphonal, Jennifer Bain, Dalhousie University
Plainchant from the Low Countries in Context, chair: Jennifer Bain
Panel: Henry T. Drummond and Nicholas Bleisch, KU Leuven
Chant research at McGill University, chair: Jennifer Bain
Anna de Bakker, McGill and Dalhousie Universities,
McGill chant manuscripts and fragments
Alessandra Ignesti, University of Oslo,
A catalyst for research on the chant collection of McGill University Library: Ms Medieval 0073
10:40-11:00 Coffee Break
Digital Tools for the study of plainchant, chair: Debra Lacoste, University of Waterloo and Dalhousie University
Elsa De Luca, CESEM-FCSH, Nova University of Lisbon,
MEI for Neumes
Geneviève Gates-Panneton, McGill University and Koninklijk Conservatorium Den Haag,
Dylan Hillerbrand, McGill University,
Cantus Ultimus
12:30-1:30 Lunch
Keynote, Dominique Vanwijnsberghe, Institut royal du Patrimoine artistique,
Dans l’esprit de la tradition. L’enluminure à l’abbaye de Maredret (1893-1940), chair: Anna de Bakker
2:30-2:45 Coffee Break
Nuns and their Books, chair: Anne-Emanuelle Ceulemans, Université catholique de Louvain
Marianne C.E. Gillion, Uppsala Universitet, and Miriam M. Wendling, KU Leuven,
Forgotten Books, Silent Songs: Liturgical Books for Women in the Low Countries
Céline Drèze, IReMus - Sorbonne Université,
Les livres de chant liturgique du chapitre noble Sainte-Waudru de Mons : la redécouverte d’un fonds oublié
Virginia Blanton, University of Missouri-Kansas City and Universiteit Antwerpen,
The Peripatetic Life of a Syon Abbey Processional: Exeter University Library, MS 262/1
Tour of Exhibition: Centuries of Silence: the Discovery of the Salzinnes Antiphonal, Musée des Arts Anciens, led by Judith Dietz, Art Gallery of Nova Scotia
5:30-7:45: Dinner
7:45: Chartered Bus to Malonne
Concert: Music in the Salzinnes Antiphonal, performed by
Psallentes, directed by Hendrik Vanden Abeele, Chapel at the Abbey of Saint Berthuin, Malonne