Celebrating Salzinnes: A Symposium

We are looking forward to hosting a symposium in Namur, Belgium on December 1 2023 as part of the ongoing Centuries of Silence Exhibition.
Attendance is free but please preregister.

Schedule and Program

8:30-8:45 Welcome and Introduction to the Salzinnes Antiphonal, Jennifer Bain, Dalhousie University

8:45-9:35 Plainchant from the Low Countries in Context, chair: Jennifer Bain
Panel: Henry T. Drummond and Nicholas Bleisch, KU Leuven

9:40-10:40 Chant research at McGill University, chair: Jennifer Bain
Anna de Bakker, McGill and Dalhousie Universities, McGill chant manuscripts and fragments
Alessandra Ignesti, University of Oslo, A catalyst for research on the chant collection of McGill University Library: Ms Medieval 0073

10:40-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-12:30 Digital Tools for the study of plainchant, chair: Debra Lacoste, University of Waterloo and Dalhousie University
Elsa De Luca, CESEM-FCSH, Nova University of Lisbon, MEI for Neumes
Geneviève Gates-Panneton, McGill University and Koninklijk Conservatorium Den Haag, NEON
Dylan Hillerbrand, McGill University, Cantus Ultimus

12:30-1:30 Lunch

1:30-2:30 Keynote, Dominique Vanwijnsberghe, Institut royal du Patrimoine artistique,
Dans l’esprit de la tradition. L’enluminure à l’abbaye de Maredret (1893-1940), chair: Anna de Bakker

2:30-2:45 Coffee Break

2:45-4:15 Nuns and their Books, chair: Anne-Emanuelle Ceulemans, Université catholique de Louvain
Marianne C.E. Gillion, Uppsala Universitet, and Miriam M. Wendling, KU Leuven, Forgotten Books, Silent Songs: Liturgical Books for Women in the Low Countries
Céline Drèze, IReMus - Sorbonne Université, Les livres de chant liturgique du chapitre noble Sainte-Waudru de Mons : la redécouverte d’un fonds oublié
Virginia Blanton, University of Missouri-Kansas City and Universiteit Antwerpen, The Peripatetic Life of a Syon Abbey Processional: Exeter University Library, MS 262/1

4:30-5:30 Tour of Exhibition: Centuries of Silence: the Discovery of the Salzinnes Antiphonal, Musée des Arts Anciens, led by Judith Dietz, Art Gallery of Nova Scotia

5:30-7:45: Dinner

7:45: Chartered Bus to Malonne

8:30: Concert: Music in the Salzinnes Antiphonal, performed by Psallentes, directed by Hendrik Vanden Abeele, Chapel at the Abbey of Saint Berthuin, Malonne