

Latin Chant Notations - Study Day (online)
March 22, 2024
Hosted by the DACT Notation Team
4 hour-long online sessions of presentations about hand-written medieval chant notations. Topics included issues of nomenclature, the development of neumes and scripts, scribal habits, contexts for different notational styles across Europe and over several centuries of manuscript production, and approaches to the interpretation of particular signs, among others.
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In attendance on Zoom (49): Laura Albiero, David Andrés Fernández, Jennifer Bain, Milena Basili, Inga Behrendt, Susan Boynton, Catherine A. Bradley, Carmen Elvira Brigard Torres, Irina Chachulska, Katharine Chandler, Giovanni Cunego, Zsuzsa Czagány, Elsa De Luca, Lucia Denk, Cassie Fenton, Ichiro Fujinaga, Ilaria Fusani, Gabriella Gilányi, Carmen Julia Gutiérrez, Kate Helsen, Li-Xing Hong, Alessandra Ignesti, Uri Jacob, Marcus Jones, Antanina Kalechyts, Tom Kelly, Debra Lacoste, Jeremy Llewellyn, Chiara Mazzolettii, Alberto Medina de Seiça, Stefan Morent, Julianna Nagy Torma, Lotta Näri, Brayden Olson, Francesco Orio, Thomas Phillips, Raquel Rojo Carrillo, Yu Sasaki, Becky Shaw, Brunella Spaterna, Jack Stebbing, Katarina Ster, Elaine Stratton Hild, Liz Teviotdale, Inês Trindade, Giovanni Varelli, Eva Veselovská, Hana Vlhová-Wörner, Emily Wride.


Celebrating Salzinnes: A Symposium
December 1, 2023
Namur University, Belgium
A one-day symposium of papers and panel discussions by international scholars on topics related to the Salzinnes Antiphonal, developments in digital technology, and manuscript studies. Includes a tour through the “Centuries of Silence” exhibition at the Musée des Arts Anciens and a concert of some of the music contained in the manuscript.
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Music Encoding Conference
May 19-22, 2022
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Hosted by Jennifer Bain at Dalhousie University.